

Welcome to Bhugoliyo. Bhugoliyo is a Departmental Magazine from the Department of Geography, Women’s Christian College. Bhugoliyo aims at promoting innovative research in various disciplines of Geography. Since its inception it has been an annual phenomenon, contributed mainly by the regular students and teachers from the department.  This is the first online issue and this remarkable event is marked by the contribution of ex-students and ex-teachers from the department.

Bhugoliyo invites authors to submit original and unpublished work in terms of written reviews, short communications and notes dealing with numerous aspects of the subject Geography. It nurtures the hidden talent of young researchers, photographers, travelogue writers, journalists and social scientists.

Guidelines for authors:

Papers are invited from contributors for publication in the e-magazine Bhugoliyo from Department of Geography, Women’s Christian College, Kolkata.   

The paper is to be sent at the following e-mail address:


Notes for Contributors

The contributors should follow the following points.
1.      The article must be original and unpublished
2.      Length of papers should not normally exceed 5000 words
3.      Manuscript should be submitted in MS WORD (DOC / DOCX) file
4.      Paper should be typed in following font
·         Title: 14 points
·         Author name and designation: 11 points
·         Sub-heading: 12 points
·         Text: 12 points
·         Space: 1½ points
            ·         Page margin: 1 inch in all sides


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